1. From the organization details page, click "+ New Project"
2. Choose to create a new blank project (once you have created a project, you can save it as a preset for future use).
3. Enter a project name, short URL, project type, number of subjects, and a project journey (to learn more about project journeys, click here). Click "Continue."
4. Enter the event dates for your project journey.
5. Select a pricelist for each sale in the project journey.
6. Select a marketing campaign for prospect, lead and buyer.
7. (Optional) If you are using the [SpecialMessage] keyword in your marketing, enter that special message you want to send in the marketing for this project.
8. Review the default access code message for any changes you want to make.
9. Add any questions you want to ask your customers at the start of their purchase, the data field (hhschools field) it should match to, and any predetermined response options.
10. Enter an email address where you want to receive order notifications, and a confirmation message you want to display to your customers.
11. Enter a greeting for your project page and click the save button (Make sure to preview it in desktop, tablet, and mobile formats).
12. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Create."
Congratulations! You have just created your project.
You can now add a cover image and view the project timeline so you know exactly when your events, sales, and broadcasts will occur.
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